In the bottom of this bottle I put all of my fertility crystals then I fill it with my water and put it in the Full Moon with "baby" and (now) "sticky" intentions.
4. I then turned to the help of Archangel Gabriel. Archangel Gabriel assists with fertility. I put a small Archangel Gabriel Angel stone in the bottom of my glass water bottle with the crystals.
5. Tell the Universe exactly what you want and let it go! I have a hard time with this one still to this day. When I truly, deeply want something its very difficult to let it go. Not that I don't trust that the Universe won't provide, it's just extremely difficult to do so at times. MAKE SURE WHAT YOU ASK FOR YOUR TRULY READY FOR! I cant stress this enough! When you put something out into the Universe it's only a matter of time before it appears so make sure you are truly ready.
6. Daily/Weekly meditations to calm your mind, body and soul. We all know when we are under a lot of stress it's hard for our bodies to prepare to conceive so take this time to relax. Trying to conceive can be a pretty stressful time itself especially if you have been trying along period of time. So try to take time every day to relax even listen to a fertility meditation during that time!! Spotify has some excellent ones.
During meditation I wear my fertility gemstone bracelet (I make and sell these in my shop) and have my fertility mala in my hand (I also made the mala which can be specially ordered through me).
7. Keep trying and stay POSITIVE! I know its hard to stay positive during many months or even years of trying to conceive but its a must! The more positive and grateful you are the more the Universe will bring into your life to be grateful for :) LAW OF ATTRACTION.
and most importantly
8. BE KIND TO YOURSELF! For years I would put my body down "The one thing every woman is suppose to be able to do and I cant....." I didn't "feel" like a woman cause I couldn't conceive. Well the Universe is always listening! SO instead I changed the way I talked and thought. "I can get pregnant, I will get pregnant. When the time is right."
"I am a strong WOMAN, I will become more healthy for me and my soon to be baby."
Your body is your temple and if you are putting your temple down all the time your not appreciating the temple the Universe gave you. How can anything survive in a toxic environment (your temple).
Once you follow these steps and let go you will see a miracle happen.
Reiki, Crystals and Fertility
Dealing with this "hiccup" (we will call it) myself, it made me want to help other women. I have come up with a treatment that targets healing the mind, body, soul, chakras, and fertility by using Universal healing energy (Reiki), crystals and few other tools.
If you are interested in this service please let me know so we can book your appointment and begin your journey of healing.