By Candice White
September 2, 2020
Hello my friends and well-come to eating for your chakras. I am so incredibly excited for this blog! Now if you don't know what chakras are that is completely okay, I will be posting for 7 weeks(1 chakra a week) about the different chakras. So I will start by saying there are 7 chakras in the body (I will name all in a bit) chakras are your energy centres in your body, so think of it as gas stations. If all chakras are align and open your living a very healthy life (you have a high immune system, you know how to handle stress very well, your living in BLISS) Now there are so many things to know about chakras and I promise my lovelies you will learn so much when I do the 7 chakra posts within the next 7 weeks but for today we will take it slow and learn what to eat to strengthen each chakra. So lets dive in! 1st chakra is the Root chakra (Muladhara) This chakra in located at the base of your tail bone. The "I am" chakra. The colour for this chakra is red, so you want to eat a lot of deep reds and dark browns, also root vegetables (organic is best) Food List: Beets, red apples, pomegranates, lean proteins, parsnips, etc. Herbs: Ashwaganda, cinnamon, ginger, garlic, black pepper Vitamin: D 2nd chakra is the Sacral chakra (Svadhishthana) located below the navel. The "I feel" chakra. The colour for this chakra is orange. Food list: Seeds, nuts, oranges, carrots, pumpkins, orange peppers, fish, eggs (since sacral deals with fertility), squash, cantaloupe, fermented foods such as kefir, kombucha, sauerkraut etc. Herbs: Sage, marshmallow, dandelion root Vitamin: B 3rd chakra is the Solar Plexus (Manipura) located in the abdomen. The "I will" chakra. The colour for this chakra is yellow. Food list: Bananas, yellow peppers, lemon, pineapple, mangoes, whole grains, natural sweeteners, etc. Herbs: Horseradish, turmeric, basil, allspice, ginger, hawthorn Vitamin: K 4th chakra is the Heart chakra (Anahata) located in the middle of your chest. The "I love" chakra. The colour of this chakra is green. Food list: Spinach, broccoli, lettuce, green peppers, asparagus, green apples, kiwi, honeydew melon, green grapes, limes, pears, avocado, etc. Herbs: Basil, cilantro, dill, oregano, parsley, st. John warts, hawthorn, angelica. Vitamin: D 5th chakra is the throat chakra (Vishuddha) located in the throat. The "I speak" chakra. This chakra is the blue. Food list: BLueberries, blue corn, blue potatoes, soothing liquids, water, tea ( herbal, peppermint, chamomile.) Foods that fall from a tree. Herbs: Peppermint, anise, eucalyptus. Vitamin: C 6th chakra is the Third Eye chakra (Ajna) located mid forehead. The " I see" chakra. This chakra can be a dark blue or purple colour. For this chakra you will eat purple foods. Food list: Plums, blackberries, eggplant, purple grapes, purple cabbage, purple liquids (grape, prune, black current), foods in high omega 3, dark chocolate 70%, etc. Herbs: Hawthorn, anise, chia seeds, aloe, dandelion root. Vitamin: E The final chakra (7th) is the Crown chakra (Sahasrara) located at the top of the head. The "I know" chakra. The colour for this chakra is purple. Food list: Fasting, Detox, WATER, WATER, WATER! This chakra doesn't need food. This chakra needs fresh air, sunlight and nature. Herbs: Sage, chamomile, Valerian root, catnip. Vitamin: B-12 The chakras that run our body are absolutely amazing. There is so much to learn about chakras and I truly hope you found this information useful and I look forward to sharing more chakra information with you in the very near future. Namaste my friends.